pp108 : Gateway Statistics

Gateway Statistics

This topic lists the fields in the window.

Field Name


Total requests

The total number of requests passed through the Gateway.

Total processing time

The total time taken for processing the requests.

Average processing time per request

The average time taken to process a single request.

Total back end wait time

Time delay at the back end while waiting for a response.

Invalid messages

Total number of invalid messages passed through the Gateway.

Unknown users

Total number of unknown users accessing the Gateway.

Invalid organization requests

Total number of invalid organization requests to the Gateway.

Messages sent to Server

Total number of messages sent to the Gateway.

Response from Server

Total number of replies received from the Gateway.

Timed out requests

Total number of timed out requests (replies not received due to time out).

LDAP errors

Total number of LDAP errors encountered.


Total number of errors that occurred.


  • Click Refresh List button, to refresh the fields in the Gateway Statistics area.
  • Click Clear Statistics button, to clear the fields in the Gateway Statistics area.